Harry On Coffee
Jakarta...one fine afternoon
Who doesn't know coffee? It has a bitter taste without sugar of course yet for some it relieves the body and charges back energy. For me, coffee is coffee.
I drink coffee with and without sugar. I drink coffee when I'm tired yet when it's time to sleep I sleep. No influences from caffeine. Does this happen to anyone else? I wonder...
Here's the thing, I had coffee with a client in Starbucks, so I ordered an espresso, the cup is small yet you have a thick coffee, people say this small cup can make your eyes open up WIDE. Anyway, I drank the espresso, drove home, on the way felt sleepy. So, where's that magic huh?
Anyway, I am a coffee and tea lover. There's no harm in liking the two together. Unlike some people who is a fanatic of coffee or tea, the two cannot mix. But for me, it's a drink, for God sake.