Web Harry on Things

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Harry On Coffee fine afternoon

Who doesn't know coffee? It has a bitter taste without sugar of course yet for some it relieves the body and charges back energy. For me, coffee is coffee.

I drink coffee with and without sugar. I drink coffee when I'm tired yet when it's time to sleep I sleep. No influences from caffeine. Does this happen to anyone else? I wonder...

Here's the thing, I had coffee with a client in Starbucks, so I ordered an espresso, the cup is small yet you have a thick coffee, people say this small cup can make your eyes open up WIDE. Anyway, I drank the espresso, drove home, on the way felt sleepy. So, where's that magic huh?

Anyway, I am a coffee and tea lover. There's no harm in liking the two together. Unlike some people who is a fanatic of coffee or tea, the two cannot mix. But for me, it's a drink, for God sake.

Harry On Photography

I like taking pictures, then, it was with an SLR Canon T70. At that time for a teenager it was cool. I took lots of pictures of friends and took several pictures of certain animals. There was one that I remember, it was a dragonfly.

During the school term break I went to my parents' hometown in Bogor. The place was close to rice fields. I was on one rice field then, and the rice has already been harvested.

The field was dry. There were many dragonflies around. Fortunately I saw one dragonfly staying still on a grass. I got closer to it. Then, with the telephoto lens, I shot a picture.

It was only a one shot.

Then, I got it developed. Yes, you had to develop the films, very primitive you might say. Anyway, got the pictures processed, and it turned out A-OKAY.

A cousin of mine asked if I could lend him the camera for a competition. I lent him the camera with my dragonfly pic, and thank God, he won First Prize.

The booty was cash, certificate and a photography book. I didn't get the cash but I got the book. It was a great team work. Anyway this was in 1992.

A long time ago huh?

Harry On Freedom of Expression (FOE)


freedom of expression

Harry on freedom of expression:

Nice thought.

Free to say whatever you want, unless some people don’t like it.

Free to speak what comes to mind, unless other despises it.

Free to articulate anything you think is good unless others think it bad.

Free to utter the darnest thing you can thing of unless it’s of-putting for the public.

Yes....freedom of expression.

Such a nice Utopia.


Where is that? What is that?

Is that real?


Indeed. Real for some not for others.

For me? Hmm…

Harry On Time

Phew, time flies when you're having fun, they say, but I think these days time flies anyway even if you are not having any fun at all. Wonder, why it is.

Browsing the Internet for TIME... guess where I got to for the first line up. Yes, it's "TIME" Magazine. But frankly I am thinking of time-as in "this". Try this "On TIME", interesting indeed how people "have measured used,and thought about time over the past 300 years."

Well, talking about time, we can't get by without looking at these time-pieces now can we? ROLEX or SEIKO.